Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Supersize Me

An interesting movie, to say the least. Morgan Spurlock decides to experiment with fast food, McDonald's style. This documentary was Academy-Award nominated in 2004. For 30 days he had to eat nothing but McDonald's food. This experience showed not only what happened to him physically but emotionally as well. It showed how fast food places encourages people to be unhealthy just to profit from it. Morgan had to try everything on the menu at least once and if he was asked if he wanted it supersized, he had to take it. He indulged in the equivalant of around 9 Big Macs per day and gained around 25 pounds during this experiment. He had some minor and major health problems from it, including but not limited to mood swings, sexual dysfunction and liver damage. His girlfriend is a vegan, so of course she was against it. The point of this documentary was to show the increased obesity in the United States. The Surgeon General has stated that we are in an obesity epidemic. I would have to agree. Everywhere you go there is a fast food chain on the corner. Just in the last 3 months I have seen 4 different McDonald's shut down only to be remodeled to attract more customers. There have been numerous lawsuits against fast food chains, not only for the hot coffee but for the chains "making them obese." That, of course, is just craziness. They are not forcing people to eat their food. Americans are spoiled. The lack of exercise and the constant eating on the go instead of the traditional sit down at the table meal with the family, we have opted for "a royale with cheese" (Pulp Fiction) and a couple cheeseburger happy meals with the kids. Instead of blaming fast food franchises, we should take some responsibility for our own actions. I have not eaten as much fast food since seeing this movie. Living a healthier life was needed by my whole family. I think more people should watch this, maybe then there would not be an epidemic.
Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Perf. Samuel L. Jackson. Miramax, 1994.

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